Multitasking is more than a buzzword, it's more than a fad and also more than a way of life. To me, multitasking has now become a mindset which dictates how we work, play or rest.
On the surface, we can say multitasking involves handling multiple tasks or activities simultaneously or in quick succession. While it might seem reasonably accurate, I think there is more to it than just doing a lot at the same time. While being more productive is certainly good, it shouldn't come at the cost of prioritisation and focus.
We still need to select our targets rationally, strategise, allocate appropriate time to each task and then take a calculated plunge into the working day. Getting caught up in a whirlpool of activity without any direction isn't going to take us far.
Do we really need to multitask at all times? Have we got so used to it that we actively seek more in order to keep ourselves busy? I hope not, because to me the real essence of multitasking lies in understanding when it's appropriate and effective, and when it might hinder your productivity and the quality of your work.
While there are situations where multitasking can be helpful, it's important to recognize that not all tasks are well-suited for this approach. Striking a balance between multitasking and dedicated, focused work is key to achieving optimal results.
Home break-ins can be devastating.
But they can also make us think out of the box and open our eyes to new possibilities.
After losing everything in a theft 12 years ago, we were determined to put the loss behind us and work towards a solution for the larger community.
We did our market research and the battle against burglars was on.
The result was Kuber Vaults - our safe deposit box facility which has helped thousands of families enjoy peace of mind and feel secure about their valuables. What's more, our location and 7-day working makes us a far superior alternative to banks.
Our impressive growth over the last 5 years gets us a lot of compliments. In an industry dominated by banks, we have indeed achieved a breakthrough. To think it all started with a break-in.
Silence can be a result of control or composure. But if it is due to lack of confidence or disengagement, silence can be a massive roadblock to progress.
It can be challenging to be heard in this noisy world, but your voice matters. When your voice is heard, it is simpler to get through life, make a point, and even take action. I've always believed that having an opinion is more of a personal accomplishment than you might think, even back when I was a teacher or working hard to set up Kuber Vaults, as well as later when I started my political career.
A voice is a powerful tool for advocating for what you feel is right. A voice gives your opinions a platform and allows you to gain perspective and knowledge on important issues. You risk getting lost in the crowd if you don't express your thoughts and opinions. It's important to let other people know what you have to say and how you feel. Your confidence will grow as a result of speaking up and expressing yourself, and this is as crucial as anything else.
You can use your voice to make your ideas and opinions heard, but did you also know that it can have a significant impact on other people's lives? You can use your voice to influence things locally on a small scale, but you can also go further. Your voice, no matter how quiet or loud, can have an impact on projects and proposals as well as on the communities around you. You have the right to use your voice to change yours as well as other people's lives.
The world around us is getting smaller, and as globalization spreads and technology enables faster and more widespread communication, our actions and words will have a greater impact than ever before—but only if we have the courage and initiative to speak up.
Most of the time, all it takes is making a phone call or sending an email. By doing this, you ensure that your voice is heard. You have played your role, shown your intent and most of the times, that’s what really counts.
In a world where freedom and democracy must be defended, a voice is a powerful symbol. It is what has enabled people to demonstrate against injustice, sing for freedom, or simply speak the truth. No matter your age or status, speak up. You will get noticed and be able to leave a lasting impression on those around you if you can be seen and heard.
Voice your opinion. It matters.
This little story is not about our business but about how a simple solution can go a long way in making lives better. The story of Kuber Vaults is also about a simple idea which started small and grew big.
Rise in thefts and burglaries created the need for security. But we couldn't really burglar-proof our homes.
The simple concept of offsite storage in safe deposit boxes with world class security protocol was the solution. Our convenient Castle Hill location and 7-day working made it even easier for customers to access their valuables.
Most experts agree that in order to succeed, a business must clearly identify and solve a problem simply and effectively.
In our case, the problem was anxiety and stress about valuables which could not be addressed with insurance or technology.
Until, of course, we put a metal box to its best possible use!
Businesses may be powered by money.
But they are built on trust. Here's how we built our business. One trusting customer at a time.
When we started Kuber Vaults, we learnt that creating trust in a service is much harder than in a product.
It only made our resolve to satisfy our clients even stronger, with one difference.
We not only gave them the best service, we also made it affordable and convenient.
Our growth was slow - one person through the doors at a time. But each family who chose to put their trust in us made our self belief stronger.
It also made us respect their trust ever more. More than 5 years and over 2000 families later, our clients' trust remains our most precious asset.
As a business offering storage of valuables, looking after precious assets comes naturally to us.
Employers look for it, productivity depends on it, satisfaction results from it, and career advancement is the direct consequence. What is it? An excellent work ethic!
I have observed that people with a strong work ethic live by a set of values that direct their behavior at work, enabling them to consistently produce high-quality work without the prodding that some people need to stay on course.
The way I see it, a strong work ethic is a commitment to one's career and a strong will to succeed. People with a solid work ethic place a high value on their professional performance. They exhibit moral and work-related qualities that make them outstanding professionals in any position and organization.
Work ethic is a person's commitment to self-discipline and commitment to the daily grind. It includes things like showing up for work on time, meeting deadlines, and paying attention to the process while also keeping in mind the result - gaining a client's business, or evolving as a person.
Employers in every industry put greater emphasis on people with a strong work ethic. Having a strong work ethic and demonstrating those values can not only improve your employability but put you in a better position rise in a role faster because everyone prefers employees who are dependable, devoted, and disciplined.
It’s always hard to arrive at a final list of anything, let alone qualities of good professional people. But I thought hard about what have admired about various colleagues and associates over the years and the following emerge as key components of a solid work ethic.
Think about it. Who doesn’t wish to have employees who are self-motivated to meet deadlines and quality standards for the task assigned and be willing to go above and beyond to complete projects on time?
A strong work ethic forges a trusting relationship between the staff and the company, as well between a business and their clients. I guess we’d all do well to remember this, every day.
Today, as I sat down to collect my thoughts on the topic of sameness, I couldn't help but think of these lines by Maya Angelou.
We often view others with a focus on how different they are. Sure enough, we find enough points of difference as well. But I believe we’ll be surprised know how similar we are if only we change the way we view others.
We are more similar than it seems and with similar goals, needs and aspirations. Even if we appear different on the surface due to our social status, work, or backgrounds, we all crave the same things.
There is a reason for our sameness. To navigate life's challenges, we all need community. Nobody is meant to handle this alone. There are many challenges along the way and the lessons that help us become true versions of ourselves. But it takes encouragement and support of others to get through.
Recognising what brings us together is the foundation of all relationships. All the people around us want happiness and a good life, just like we do. Their right to overcome adversity and find fulfillment is equal to ours. As members of the community, we must always work together to achieve our goals.
I absolutely love to speak about the subject of ‘Resilience, and the human spirit's unwavering ability to survive as it is something that is very close to my heart. I have been fortunate to have met many resilient people in my life who have humbled, surprised, and inspired me.
Before we get into the crux of the matter, let's define resilience, why it matters, and how to tell if you're resilient enough. Simply put, resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences.
More often than not, we all encounter challenges in life that test our perseverance and resolve. Some of these difficulties hurt, some hinder, but they all teach us and make us stronger - if we allow them to change us for the better. This is why resilience is an essential quality for success in life; it enables us to continue working toward our objectives in the face of adversity.
My own story has been one where my resilience has been tested at almost every stage. Every time I dared to step into the unknown, whether it was moving to Australia from a typical middle class family in Delhi, starting my own venture, or completely changing career path, I faced challenges as well as failure and occasionally fell rather hard, but in hindsight, all of those experiences have worked out one way or another.
Moving to a new country is thrilling and terrifying at the same time. When you arrive in a new country and encounter a culture that is noticeably different from your own—and possibly a language—you realize just how deeply ingrained you are in your own culture.
I always say that the secret is to embrace it rather than let it control you. Go with the flow, back yourself and let the new place and people show you the way.
This transition could be compared to starting a new job. Every time we begin a new job, there are new people, new premises, new culture. But taking one day at a time, we all learn to persevere and adjust, until it starts to feel like home.
Similarly, all working mothers need to strike a balance between work and family responsibilities, and they have all done so admirably, demonstrating the power of resilience. No young woman comes prepared to be a mother and a professional at the same time. But look around and you’ll see a super mum in every household.
It's crucial to remember that developing your skill set to become resilient over time is necessary. You must put in the effort to develop resilience, and you'll probably encounter obstacles along the way. There’s no final stage of becoming resilient. It is a work in progress, but the ride becomes fun sooner than we realize.
"Community wellbeing is the combination of social, economic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions identified by individuals and their communities as essential for them to flourish and fulfill their potential.”
This is an extremely interesting definition by Wiseman and Brasher, public health researchers reflecting on community wellbeing.
While it is true that groups of dedicated individuals shape a community, and sometimes an entire city, multiple diverse factors contribute to the well-being of the community.
Have you ever wondered how to identify a vibrant community? There are certain signs are associated with it, which we will discuss in this piece. Our only goal is to improve our understanding of what it takes to be a vibrant community that promotes community wellbeing throughout its entire population.
You can't imagine a community without relationships, or strong connections. These relationships or connections go beyond interpersonal interactions and touch on the local history and geography. This involves being aware of the past and having a sense of the character and identity of the community. Ideal neighbors take pride in their affiliation.
Residents always look to the trustworthy leaders in thriving neighborhoods for advice and guidance. Local interactions are characterized by a sense of reciprocal obligation and trust. People adore their community and its residents.
You know you've found a special place when you see a neighborhood where residents get along, watch out for one another, and enjoy each other’s company.
It can be safely said that in modern times a truly homogeneous community does not exist. Maybe it never did. Instead, there are varying levels of both overt and covert diversity within communities. This, in my opinion, is a strength.
It implies that every community requires structures that accommodate a variety of people. While diversity does come with its own challenges, it actually helps the overall community. A community with a mix of income levels can have a stronger, and more thoughtful vibe. Neighbors put humility into practice, preparing them for cooperation in the community on a daily basis.
When designed for a mixed-income neighborhood, coffee shops, grocery stores, small service businesses, and more can improve neighbors' access to resources.
Strong local economies in the community encourage residents to stay longer in the area, which fosters deeper relationships between neighbors. Overall, a vibrant local economy can improve the health of its residents by reducing commuting times, creating jobs to redistribute resources, and reinvesting money into the area.
Furthermore, local business owners inspire younger residents to dream big and strengthen their employability by serving as role models and sources of employment experience.
A thriving economy is one that can afford to pay workers a living wage. The focus should be on a range of occupations, housing options, and industries that cater to people from all walks of life.
It is important that we as a society continue to implement new, contextualized community development strategies. When neighbors band together to effect significant change, we know the vision of a vibrant community is attainable.
As your local councilor, I interact with many dedicated business owners and their teams, and I take the time to hear about their success stories and aspirations. And we make every effort to support them as best we can so they can continue to contribute to the local economy and communities.
I can say that you are not alone if you want to start your own business. For many, the opportunity to be your own boss, set your own schedule, and spend your days doing what you love most sounds like a dream come true.
However, not everyone is cut out for business ownership. Great ideas alone will not make a startup successful; you also need to plan carefully and work hard.
If you want to start your own small business, one of the first things you'll need is a clear and compelling vision. Having a clear vision of the type of product or service you want to launch is extremely beneficial. You can also consider offering a better version of any current product or service that you believe could be a game changer for the community.
It is highly recommended that you write a business plan once you have decided on an idea. Making a detailed business plan not only demonstrates a sincere level of dedication but also forces potential business owners to respond to critical questions at the start of the development process.
The importance of due diligence cannot be overstated when starting a new business. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. It allows entrepreneurs to constantly innovate and improve their products and services. Understanding your target market, your competitors' strategies, and how your company fits into this environment is critical for a successful business launch.
While you're at it, be aware of your own motivational level, financial risk tolerance, and willingness to sacrifice to achieve success. Yes, we all aspire to be a Billionaire. But what are you prepared to give up in order to achieve that objective? How many hours a week will you consistently put in? How far are you willing to go from your comfort zone?
A business owner must be aware of new developments. Are your customers looking for something you don't have? Is there another type of customer you should target? Reading as much as you can about your industry and speaking with your customers will help you find answers.
As a business owner myself, it is my constant endeavor to strongly support regional small businesses. The exciting and ever-changing entrepreneurship landscape in the local community creates jobs and stimulates the economy. I've also noticed that small businesses are more inventive and come up with novel solutions to local problems.
We are also excited to announce that the Hills Shire Council has partnered with Service NSW to make it easier for locals to open a cafe, small bar, or restaurant through Easy to do Business- a business help desk and concierge program for the local community.
Congratulations are in order for Councillor Reena Jethi for yet another achievement in her illustrious career. Reena Jethi has won the Ministers’ Award for Women in Local Government 2019 as an Elected Representative. The Ministers’ Award for Women in Local Government celebrates the contribution of women to local government in NSW. In addition to recognizing the significant contribution of Award winners, the Awards aim to encourage more women to take on leadership roles in local government in NSW.
During a special ceremony held at NSW Parliament House. Councillor Jethi was acknowledged for her devotion to continued learning and her advocacy for vital resources for The Hills. She is one of the 4 women on the Council who works tirelessly to make a positive contribution to society.
In her message marking the occasion, mayor Michelle Byrnes said that local Councils used to be dominated by men, but more and more women are putting up their hands to run for Council and for Mayor. This is great of course and shows that we have come a long way towards representation reflective of the general community.
Ms Byrnes also added that Councillor Jethi is an inspiration to women locally and those from non-English speaking backgrounds, proving that a political career is both realistic and conceivable, and also by giving them the courage to speak up on issues they may have been previously silent on. Councillor Jethi leads by example and her active role in the region shows how important it is to have women involved in Local Government.
Reena Jethi is no stranger to the Indian community in Sydney. An extremely hard working Councillor with a successful career in teaching, Reena is also the CEO of Kuber Vaults – the first safety box facility in the Hills which is set to complete 2 successful years later in 2019.
Reena Jethi performs all her roles with a focus on creating excellence and making a positive difference to people’s lives and environment. We wish Reena Jethi more success in future and may she continue to scale new heights in all her new ventures.
Article published in 2019
As a councillor as well a member of the community, I am a firm believer in creating and preserving open spaces in every suburb. The variety of public open space can be formal or informal, created naturally or artificially, used for active or passive recreation, but they all support the social, sporting, and recreational needs of a community.
Who doesn't enjoy being outside, enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, a nice place to walk, or a peaceful place to unwind?
Being a great place for recreation, open spaces like parks, walking trails, playgrounds, and fields help us to understand the need for more of them. These areas provide space for physical activities, encouraging people to walk and exercise. This is again crucial for several local communities who cannot make it to exercise classes or afford gym memberships.
By offering quiet areas to pause and reflect away from the city's hustle and bustle, open spaces also improve feelings of wellbeing. This offers a break from the city and helps to lower stress.
While open areas are places for recreation, they can also serve as social gathering places where people can mingle, play, and converse. Open space can be utilized for social gatherings, cultural activities, and cooperative recreational activities.
Whether through a planned event or activity or simply because they are places where people congregate, these locations encourage interaction between members of the community. As people get to know others in their neighborhood, it fosters a sense of community that is advantageous to both adults and kids.
I am incredibly proud to be a local councilor for The Hills Shire, where we have over 300 parks and reserves spread across both urban and rural areas.
These excellent barbecue areas, kid-friendly playgrounds, bushland hiking trails, stunning formal gardens, and spacious outdoor areas are ideal for social or formal gatherings or just relaxing.
Going forward, our mission is to ensure that everyone in our local community has access to beautiful, safe, and easily accessible parks and outdoor areas.
When we discuss the need to generate employment, we just cannot forget the fact that regular and sustainable employment generation within any economy is the foundation of a country's economic output and allows people to support themselves, their families, and their communities.
Moreover, the overall labor market resilience and adaptability are critical for absorbing and adapting to economic shocks and capitalizing on new opportunities. Simultaneously, labor productivity is a necessary condition for rapid growth in output, employment, and wages.
The very need to generate regular and sustainable employment is also quite crucial to overall well being of a community and is directly proportional to physical and mental health of the people.
Australia's unemployment rate has equaled its lowest level since 1974 thanks to the government's economic strategy. Our labour market has outperformed that of all other major advanced economies worldwide.
Australia is prepared for a sustained period of full employment thanks to ongoing investments in skills and support for businesses and workforce participation.
The unemployment rate is anticipated to drop to 3.34% in 2022, which would be the lowest level in nearly 50 years and nearly 3 percentage points below the Budget forecast from two years prior.
While the pandemic altered workforces around the world, it gave job seekers more power in Australia.
As your local Councillor, I've always been passionate about ensuring that our community supports new job opportunities. The Hills Shire, which has a population of over 183,791 people, supports 67,189 jobs and has an annual economic output of $24.132 billion.
In addition, the retail sector in The Hills Shire remains the largest employer in the community. Retail trade employs an estimated 12,595 people and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years.
At the outset, I personally support local small businesses because of their inherent ability to create jobs for local residents.
These local neighborhood businesses create jobs in the neighborhood and stimulate economic development in smaller geographic areas. Small businesses are more inventive and frequently come up with original answers to customers' problems. Small businesses create meaningful jobs with higher job satisfaction, which boost local economies by bringing growth and innovation to the area where they are based.
I believe that our economy is powered by the retail sector. It is a place where young students find part-time work, learn new skills, and become acquainted with the complexities of running a business. These enriching experiences help them become future owners of small businesses while also creating job opportunities.
With record numbers of Australians enrolling in trade apprenticeships, we are continuing to invest in skills and preparing our workforce for jobs of the future that will guarantee more job opportunities for generations to come.
However, there is still work to be done, and the next phase of our strategy will guide Australia's robust economy into the future.
Many of us have lived in The Hills Shire all our lives and know almost every corner of it. I am going to share with you some information that may catch most of us by surprise. Did you know that home to 183,791 people, The Hills Shire supports 67,189 jobs and has an annual economic output of $24.132 billion?
It gets even more interesting when we learn that Retail Trade is The Hills Shire's largest employment sector, supporting an estimated 12,595 jobs.
Retail sector is what keeps our economy ticking. It is where young students find casual employment, learn new skills and understand finer details of running a business. When it comes to contributing to the economy as well the community, small businesses punch way above their weight.
As your local Councillor as well as a small business owner, supporting SMEs has always been close to my heart. If this section of our business community flourishes, we all benefit from it. Many of the small retail businesses have been hit hard by the Covid restrictions. While this may be unavoidable, we must make sure they receive the community’s full support when the restrictions are lifted.
Let us make sure we shop local, and help them recover from weeks of minimum business activity.
If you have any ideas or suggestions that may help the small business owners in The Hills Shire, you can reach me at
Let me say it at the outset, I am a big supporter of local small businesses, and there are many reasons for it. Their local presence generates local employment and drives economic growth in smaller geographic areas. Small businesses are more innovative and often produce creative solutions to customers' needs. Small businesses contribute to local economies by bringing growth and innovation to the community in which the business is established. Therefore, they also create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction than positions with larger, traditional companies while supporting neighborhoods and communities.
Much before big businesses started entering the market, small businesses did a phenomenal job of keeping the economy moving. And we must make sure they receive all kinds of support from the government as well the community.
Small businesses play a significant role in the Australian economy, accounting for almost half of employment in the private non-financial sector and over a third of production.**
What makes small businesses successful? A survey conducted by NAB revealed the following characteristics were found to be common among successful SMEs*
Anyway we look at it, there is every reason for all of us to support our local small businesses. As I read somewhere, "In a world where you can shop anywhere, shop local." In my role as your local councillor, I come across dozens of hard working business owners and their teams.
We listen to their stories, challenges and dreams and make sure we do our best to support them so they can keep supporting the local economy and communities.
**Small Business: An Economic Overview:
Ellis Connolly, David Norman and Tim West
Having been a teacher myself, I have always been a keen observer of the events and changes in the education industry. The pandemic has greatly affected many professions all over the world, but I think teachers have probably had to adjust and improvise more than most others.
During my years at Westfields Sport High School, I learnt that each child is unique and they learn differently at their own pace; some are visual learners, some learn effectively through listening, some through real examples and so on.
While this would test any teacher in a real classroom, it becomes an even bigger challenge in online learning. Teachers around the world had to transition from in-person teaching to a new online classroom.
Despite the enormity of the task with almost no warning, it is great to see Our teachers are going above and beyond to continue teaching their students ever since online learning was introduced late last year. For their resilience, creativity and commitment, our teachers deserve our thanks and gratitude.
It should come as no surprise that in a survey conducted by Monash University, more than 40 per cent Australians say they have a greater appreciation for teachers after their efforts in keeping students educated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you’re a teacher who has a story to tell, we want to hear from you! We’d also love to hear from parents and/or students who have stories or want to say thanks to a teacher who has gone the extra mile to teach their students.
You can reach me on
Of all the subjects, women's empowerment is the closest to my heart. Not the least because I am a woman myself. Growing up in a typical middle class family in Delhi, India, I realised very early in life that there was a clear distinction between girls and boys in the society which had really deep roots in people's psyche.
From what girls should look like, what they can or cannot do, what they should or shouldn't do all the way to how high they could aim in life, the path ahead was riddled with potholes in the form of long held beliefs that had no place in the world as I saw it.
Thankfully, there was another person who shared my view and with him by my side, nothing else seemed to matter. It was my father.
My father never let me feel there was anything beyond my reach only due to my gender. He drew no boundaries, imposed no restrictions of any kind. Encouraged by him, I could pursue my dreams in education, career and life choices.
This little glimpse into my earlier life is mainly to share with you my rock solid foundation when it comes to women's rights and empowerment. It was not long ago that women had to struggle to be heard, to be counted and respected. Things have changed so much and I find inspiration in Angelina Jolie's words, "Around the world there are countless examples of women rising, taking leadership, taking their destiny into their own hands, inspiring all of us." While a lot has changed, a lot remains to be done and we have to do it ourselves.
We are privileged to have so many pioneers who paved the way for us and taught us to have self belief to achieve what we want. The society which used to be critical at first, indifferent later, has now accepted women in all walks of life. As Nancy Pelosi says, "Women are leaders everywhere you look—from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household.
Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes." Her quote may be about the USA but it is just as relevant to every corner of the world. We all have our own targets to achieve, goals to score and myths to bust.
As your local councillor, I am committed to continue working for women's empowerment in every way I can. This is not a project but a mission for life for all of us. I'll leave you with these wonderful words by Sheryl Sandberg - "We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored."
Dear Business Owners
I am sure you are all excited to get your business ready for Monday. As the state reaches a 70% vaccination rate, it’s time for NSW to get back to business.
The 3 stages for NSW to move out of stay at home orders have been announced and are as follows:
Stage 1: 70% full vaccination target - reopening starts for fully vaccinated people, expected to be Monday 11 October;
Stage 2: 80% full vaccination target - further easing of restrictions for fully vaccinated people, expected to be Monday 25 October; and
Stage 3: Wednesday 1 December - further easing of restrictions for everyone whether vaccinated or not.
With NSW reaching 70% full vaccination, businesses need to ensure that they know how to reopen their business safely. To ensure your business is complying with all the government safety guidelines for your industry, please prepare and plan for the following:
COVID-Safe check-ins and proof of vaccination will be required for staff and customers;
Physical distancing and density limit of 1 person per 4 square meters required for indoor areas;
Employers must continue to allow employees to work from home (where possible);
Masks for staff and customers indoors, and for hospitality staff outdoors; and
Ensure your employees are informed of your safety plan; if they feel unwell they must stay home, get tested, and isolate - even if they are vaccinated.
Measures that business owners need to consider to become COVID Safe as NSW begins to re-open include:
Customer proof of vaccination: Options for customers to show proof of vaccination;
Guidance about business rights: How to welcome back customers in a COVID Safe way, including vaccination compliance and business obligations;
Vaccinations for your staff: Employers are required to keep workplaces safe and minimise the risk of COVID-19 infection and transmission; and
What to do if a COVID-19 case is recorded at your business: Updated advice for testing, isolating, and contact tracing.
Let us all take care and get back to work and business. Christmas is not far and the fun has just begun!